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  • Writer's pictureTyler Thum

Yohji Yamamoto store review, as well as scans.

Updated: Oct 13, 2023


First of all, I have never been to a Yohji Yamamoto store ever before. I have only seen pictures. Pictures from his Tokyo stores, his Paris stores, and as some of his Chinese stores. I thought that they all looked amazing. The lighting in the stores, the furniture, the vibe, everything in the space fits into the brand so well. It was the same as the store in New York. The store is located on 52 Wooster street in SoHo. The store is on a corner, with big picture windows at standing height so you can peer in and see the clothing which are hung up on racks being lifted by pulley systems. Something you would see backstage at a play, something like that. As I walked into the store, the doorman greeted me, with a statue of Yohji's dog in the corner to my left looking at me as I came in. As I turned to my right a flood of emotions rushed to me. I was now inside of my first ever Yohji Yamamoto store. My favorite designer of all time. The man who, to me, has the most memorable, groundbreaking, thought out collections of all time. A man whos praise cannot be described by an 18 year old amateur writer. The store is laid out as such: The walls were white, the floor was a concrete white with texture, the wall to my left had big huge screens playing highlights from his recent collections. The first few racks on the left, are Femme, and Y's for Men, further down the Pour Homme is shown. As for the right side, the accessories, the books, and his diffusion line, Power of the White Shirt was on the racks as well. As I am looking through this store, the whole time, I have a big corny grin on my face. I felt like I was in a world where no one could judge me, or say anything about what I truly love. I asked the staff some questions such as, "Which diffusion lines do you guys hold here?" the answer I got was, "Only Power of the White Shirt for now." I then asked some more but I forgot what they were. In the end, The staff were overwhelmingly nice. The lady that helped me, Lynne, was literally the best. She took me around the store showing me all the intricacies, as well as telling me when the next collections are coming in. She literally took my arm and ushered me around the store. It was honestly one of the best experiences I have ever had in a store. In the end, I bought two books. Both are in Japanese, but that is okay. The first time in the store I had to have bought something even if it was a few cheap books. The workers packed up my books in a beautiful electric blue bag, and because it was raining, some plastic to keep it dry (There was a hurricane during the time that I went). They also threw in some free things such as stickers, the look book that will be linked at the bottom with my scans, and a handkerchief as well. Everything about it was just an other worldly experience. If you are even a bit into Yohji Yamamoto, and want to experience his first ever store in the US, I strongly recommend going as soon as you can.


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