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  • Writer's pictureTyler Thum

Pika Päeva Ehavalgus (The light of a Long Day)

Pika Päeva Ehavalgus (The Light of a Long Day) is a short film that follows an old Estonian man who one day decides to take a trip to the beach. As he arrives on the beach, memories flood back to him of his youth. Memories of playing in the sand, swimming in the ocean, and meeting his lover. After these events play out, the old man solemnly walks away, signifying the end of a good life. In the movie, although no words are said, you could really feel the emotion and the grit of the film. The old man wished he was younger, knowing he couldn’t go back in time but knowing it was a time in his life he remembered and respected. I can see why this movie was awarded small awards at the time. Enn Säde’s composition also places an eerie feeling as well as curiosity in the music. I rate this movie an 8/10. Maybe I am lenient, but this movie sets out what it is supposed to do. It does not have much value for me because I am young. But I would hope that one day I will have a place like the beach in this movie where memories will flood back to me of my youth and nostalgia will overcome me. I want to cry, remembering the moments of my youth. Moments where I was happy, now I am just an old man on the beach, in the forest, or at the demolition site of where my lover and I first met each other being turned into an Amazon warehouse. Stuff like this really pulls at my heartstrings and makes me want to cherish my youth. This movie also heavily reminds me of my Opa, whom I miss a lot.

Thank you Säde, Kalvik, and Kärner for making this amazing, heartwarming film.

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