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  • Writer's pictureTyler Thum

kodb music edition: 1

I’m finally getting around to my music taste on this blog. I feel as though every so often I should talk about artists I find. Now for my first edition. 

A lot of my music is very rock based music. Although I do like cloud rap, techno, among other genres. My favorite by far is ambience and slow rock. Maybe it is because it relaxes me or it just sounds really good. Anyways let’s get into some of the artists and albums that they make.


First album and artist is: Fipohayo, Caedis. This album is utterly magnificent. I love dark ambience, I even make some of my own even though it is very amature. If you want an eery, secluded, and entrancing ambience with a dark spin on it listen to Caedis. I listened to this on the way home from Germany over this past month and all the songs were added.

Second artist is Kentaleuax Nakajima. This ambient artist from Japan is one of a kind. He actually made me get into creating ambience as well with Michiru Aoyama and Sora. He doesn’t have any albums other than the combined with his label but out of all the songs, his work stood out the most. 


Third on the list is bokunofune. Absolute entrancing Japanese slow rock/shoegaze. My favorite song is wataridori. Give it a listen if you like Cruyff in the Bedroom, MBV or any Shoegaze. 


This one is one of my favorite Korean shoegazers and makes superb almost jawbreaking beats. Omilgop. His newest album is like if I’m not going to lie a better parannoul. The sounds are just top tier; you can’t beat it. Give this one a chance PLEASE. 


Another Korean artist Sunkyeol makes more shoegazeish type beats. Please give it a listen if you have time and want relaxing music. 


If you like Birds Eye Batang you should try out Korean artist khc. With very similar beats these two connect smoothly. My favorite song is Origami.


A little hardcore recommendation is Burrow. With only two songs the only standout one is Cyrogenic. If you wanna headbang and do some jumpstyle it’s a good underground song.


Another Korean artist: UHF with their self titled album ULTRAHIGHFREQUENCY is a good album to just turn your brain off and listen to. 


Snybun’s sejjer sejjer is a trashcore classic. Absolute beauty of a song.


Brazilian Shoegaze artist akemi e a joia da alma and their self titled album is one of the best I’ve heard in awhile.


I could go on and on but I’ll save it for another time. Thank you for reading of you did and I know this is not fashion related at all but this is a multimedia blog. 

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